Submitted by: Seomul Evans
A number of reasons could trigger people to have a child again. The most common reasons are divorce, death of a kid, new partner or partner change, substantial income or financial status change, and simply longing or desiring to have a natural child. Fortunately, medical science provided an option for your change of heart and mind. The reversal vasectomy gives you the chance to restore fertility and father a child again. This amazing possibility success rate is quite high largely depending on three important factors of age, time, and skill of surgeon.
Vasectomy Reversal Procedure
The objective of the vasectomy reversal procedure is to undo the process of the vasectomy procedure. This means reconnecting both ends of the male vas deferens tubes to create a passageway for the semen to carry the sperm into the prostate glands. Although this reconnecting idea sounds so simple, there are other factors to consider for your success rate in restoring fertility. One thing for sure, your body may produce sperm that is not healthy at all. Therefore, it is important that you perform the following before submitting to the reversal vasectomy procedure:
Semen Analysis
This is to analyze and examine the health of your sperm. The doctor will conduct both physical examination and semen analysis. A drop of fluid taken direct from your scrotum will be examined to ensure that you have desirable and promising volume, presence, and sperm quality to achieve your goal of fathering a child the natural way. The doctor will then advice you to proceed with the reversal procedure if the results proved to be feasible and positively capable of restoring fertility. In case, the results are not feasible, the doctor will introduce you to other fertility methods.
The Reversal Vasectomy Surgery
This surgery could be done as an outpatient procedure and would be completed in a maximum of 3 hours with either local or general anesthesia. If you want to go home on same day, you need to let the effects of the anesthesia wear off first or request a friend to pick you up and drive you back home.
There are two types of reversal vasectomy procedure namely the vasovasostomy and the vasoepididymostomy:
This is simply reconnecting the ends of the vas deferens tubes and suturing them under the high-powered microscope. Once the vas deferens tubes are reconnected, the semen would be able to carry the sperm to the urogenital opening of the woman smoothly without any leaks.
This is a rather complicated procedure. One thing for sure, you need to be prepared for any changes in the fees because of this procedure. The doctor may not be able to know what type of reversal vasectomy technique to use until he opens you. There is a big possibility that your vas deferens tubes might have some presence of blockage or scar tissue. This could likely create problems on sperm flow. Blockage literally means blocking or hindering the flow of the semen carrying your sperm. The best solution for this problem is to connect the ends of the vas deferens directly to the epididymis. Although it is possibly easy to reconnect both ends of the tubes using the first procedure, the blockage would still interfere with the sperm flow. This lowers your chances of fathering a child the natural way. This is the reason the doctor would choose to perform the vasoepididymostomy.
About the Author: Seomul Evans is a
consultant for
Vasectomy Reversal
and a contributor for a leading
Men’s Health issues
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