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Kicking The Habit With Electronic Cigarettes
Hugh Tyson
It goes without saying that smoking cigarettes is extremely harmful not only to the smoker but also to all of the people around them who are breathing in second hand smoke. With a toxic mix of carbon monoxide and a countless number of harmful chemicals in each puff, smoking traditional cigarettes can put a tremendous strain on your blood vessels, heart and especially your lungs. This is why a number of people today are looking for the best possible methods to help them kick the extremely addictive habit of smoking so that they can live a much healthier lifestyle.
Luckily for smokers today, there are electronic cigarettes which provide a much better alternative to traditional cigarettes. Upon researching the electronic or e-cigarette, you will find that it is a tool that is quickly helping to change the smoking game for everyone who has been addicted to traditional cigarettes around the world. Basically speaking, the electronic cigarette provides the user with an experience that closely simulates that of smoking a traditional cigarette. However, because of the nature of the electronic cigarette with no smoke and no fire, this is a much healthier version that can actually help a smoker quit for good.
Because an electronic cigarette actually tastes, feels and looks just like a traditional cigarette, it is easy for a smoker to transition into using one without feeling as though they are giving something up completely. Because an e-cigarette does not burn any tobacco whatsoever, you are not taking all of that harsh smoke into your lungs with each puff. Instead, you inhale from the electronic cigarette and activate what is called a flow sensor that helps to release a water vapour. Inside this water vapour is a controlled amount of nicotine and flavouring that helps to simulate the actual flavour of tobacco.
When you stop to think about it, this is the perfect tool to help a smoker mimic the act of actually smoking without harming themselves or anyone around them with deadly smoke. As a smoker, you are able to get the fix that you crave and you will not have the added risk of cancer and other health issues that traditional smoking creates. To make it even better, because of the way an electronic cigarette works, you can take it with you anywhere you need to go and will never be shunned or asked to put it away. Smokers looking to quit traditional cigarettes are able to take their e-cigarette with them to work, on aeroplanes, into restaurants, bars and more.
As you look around for an electronic cigarette to help you kick traditional cigarettes, you will find that there are a number of options for you to choose from. When you buy the refillable cartridges, you even have the option of a variety of flavours and different levels of nicotine strength. A lot of e-cigarettes today can be used with cartridges with regular flavour, menthol, strawberry or even apple. All in all, it is a new experience in smoking that will make it so you never miss the traditional and more dangerous method of smoking.
Viking Ecigs
are the UK\’s fastest growing retailers of ecigs and e-liquid, offering a healthier alternative to traditonal cigarettes. To learn more about the benefits of e-cigarettes visit the website of Viking E-Cigs now at www.vikingecigs.co.uk.
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