By Amy Carrington
Gems or gemstones can be very expensive and relatively rare or they can be very common stones that are found in many different areas of the world. Gems, throughout history, have often been associated with specific properties and characteristics, often which can differ from culture to culture. Gemstones have been linked to creating good luck, helping with healing, financial gain or even having success in finding a soul mate. Of course very commonly gems are associated with zodiac signs and birthstones, each which also attributes certain characteristics of those born within that specific date range.
A very brief overview of some of the more common and some of the more unusual gemstones and their associated properties include:
– a lemony yellow to deeper golden topaz color, citrine is a gemstone that has been associated with many different positive attributes. It is thought to help to clear the mind and can enhance the wearer’s ability to increase psychic powers is placed on the forehead. Worn around the neck or on the wrist it can increase positive energy, increase clarity of thoughts and increase joy in a person’s life. In ancient times it was also considered to bring financial success if kept with money, so adding a bit of citrine to your piggy bank may be a good idea.
– most people are aware of the belief of the healing power of crystals, which are actually clear quartz. In ancient times healers believed that crystals were permanently frozen ice that would never melt, meaning they provided relieve, cooling and calmest for troubles of the mind and body. Quartz crystals are typically combined with other gems to increase their overall powers and abilities. Different colors of crystals including lemon, blue, rose and tangerine quartz all have specialized properties associated with the stones.
Tiger’s Eye
– this very popular brown and black gemstone appears to look like a cat’s or tiger’s eye, leading to the name. Not surprisingly this gemstone is supposed to give the wearer insight to their own thinking as well as help them in thinking clearly and becoming lucky in life. Some cultures believe that wearing the tiger’s eye also provides protection from negative energy and influences that may be in the environment.
– long used in Asian countries, especially in China as a luck stone, jade can attract love, create a positive attitude and bring wealth into your life. A butterfly symbol carved in jade is a very powerful symbol of an everlasting love that is often given as a present from the husband to the wife to signify success in the relationship.
Lapis Lazuli
– a purple to blue colored gemstone that has many different patterns and variations with gold overtones has been valued by ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians as a protective gemstone. It is believed to also bring love and power to the wearer as well as provide healing powers when used in combinations with other gemstones.
Learning about the different properties and beliefs around gemstones is interesting both from a historical as well as a modern perspective. Even if you are not a believer in gemstone powers, it is still a fascinating study into these beautiful stones and how they have been used in different cultures around the world.
About the Author: Amy Carrington is a fashion maven and editor at www.SorellaJewelry.com. Sorella Jewelry Studio creates elegant and original
personalized jewelry
with the names, words, dates and Chinese symbols that matter to you.
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