Canadian jazz star Diana Krall gives birth to twin boys

Sunday, December 10, 2006 Canadian jazz star Diana Krall has given birth Wednesday to twin boys named Dexter Henry Lorcan and Frank Harlan James in New York City, where the couple live. “We are ecstatic!” and the “mother and sons are doing splendidly,” reads a statement released by Krall and her husband, English musician Elvis […]

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Cut Your Energy Bills Today

Read More About: Free Energy Savings Best Energy Efficiency Consultant Perth byadmin Keeping warm in the winter can be a challenge, especially when you’re faced with high heating bills. Most people use space heaters and other direct contact heating to keep them warm while running their furnaces on low in the background. Whether you’re using […]

News briefs:May 14, 2010

Wikinews Audio Briefs Credits Produced By Turtlestack Recorded By Turtlestack Written By Turtlestack Listen To This Brief Problems? See our media guide. [edit]

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Dog’s throat cut in Cairns, Australia

Thursday, July 15, 2010 In what the RSPCA calls a “horrific” case of animal cruelty, a dog’s jaw was taped shut, and its throat cut, in Cairns, Australia. The Staffordshire mix, who was found by police in a critical condition last Thursday, was reportedly struggling to breath and bleeding heavily due to her throat being […]

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Luxurious Properties For Residence In Gurgaon: Parsvnath Exotica And Vipul Belmonte

Read More About: Automatic Door Openers Nt Ata Electric Gates Brisbane Luxurious Properties for Residence in Gurgaon: Parsvnath Exotica and Vipul Belmonte by James 123 Residential complexes, flats and gardens at Gurgaon have become a place of yummy to live. Peaceful surroundings near prominent city areas may appeal to every one. Parsvnath Exotica is a […]

Petition pressures City of Edinburgh Council to review clause affecting live music scene

Thursday, June 25, 2015 Live music venues in Edinburgh, Scotland are awaiting a review later this year on the 2005 licensing policy, which places limitations on the volume of amplified music in the city. Investigating into how the policy is affecting the Edinburgh music scene, a group of Wikinews writers interviewed venue owners, academics, the […]

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‘The Gates’ opens in New York City

Wednesday, February 16, 2005 New York, New York —On February 12, 2005, at 8:30 a.m., New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg dropped the first piece of fabric in The Gates, a land art project by Christo and Jeanne Claude. The artists installed 7,500 metal “gates” along 23 miles of pathways in New York City’s Central Park. […]

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Solution Bridge Home Services Jaipur}

Read More About: Buy Undercarriage Parts Sydney Buy Excavator Parts Melbourne Solution Bridge-Home Services Jaipur by david deevan Solution Bridge is Jaipur based service provider company, With an idea of A reliable solution of medium Solution Bridge is home solution providing company. With Solution Bridge website you can book your desired home service like electrician, […]

Wikinews’ overview of the year 2008

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 Also try the 2008 World News Quiz of the year. What would you tell your grandchildren about 2008 if they asked you about it in, let’s say, 20 years’ time? If the answer to a quiz question was 2008, what would the question be? The year that markets collapsed, or perhaps […]

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Suspected serial killer appears in British court

Friday, May 28, 2010 A man accused of being a serial killer has appeared in Bradford magistrates court in West Yorkshire today charged with three counts of murder. 40-year-old Stephen Griffiths is accused of killing Suzanne Blamires, 36, Susan Rushworth, 43, and Shelley Armitage, 31, all prostitutes. Griffiths, a former van driver with a degree […]

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