Flash Games Review The Donut Empire}

Read More About: Best Burgers Sydney Best Burger In Sydney Flash Games Review The Donut Empire by Marion These kinds of games had sequels and also imitators however the emphasis throughout gaming during the 00’s went a lot more towards ultra realistic graphics and simply lately seem to have changed to be able to games […]

Researchers: Wild gorillas seen using tools

Saturday, October 1, 2005 Wild gorillas were seen using tools, researchers for the U.S. based Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) said. Images show one female gorilla apparently using sticks to test the depth of water, another female made a bridge with a stump detached from a bush to help her cross muddy ground, and a female […]

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Ten April Fool’s pranks of 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009 April Fools’ Day pranks harmlessly pervaded worldwide again this year. Media outlets and internet sites have joined family, office workers, and friends to provide a wide variety of practical jokes. Ireland, France, and the United States celebrate April Fools all day, whereas a few countries celebrate jokes only until noon such […]

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