Semapedia introduced to Africa: Powered by “Made in Ghana” technology

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation or one of its projects. Please note that Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Semapedia is not associated with the Wikimedia Foundation. Friday, April 7, 2006 Accra — The Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre for Excellence in ICT introduced the Semacode technology and the Semapedia application to a […]

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Oral Roberts University reportedly owes over $50 million

Thursday, October 25, 2007 In the midst of accusations of wrongdoing, the Oral Roberts University (ORU) Board of Regents Chairman George Pearsons said the school owes over $55 million in debt. According to IRS records, ORU had about $76 million in revenue in 2005, and its operating budget for 2007-2008 was over $82 million. One […]

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Tennessee town mulls ‘stop work order’ as construction of controversial grain tanks begins

Saturday, December 3, 2005 Mayor Scott Jewell of the city of Dyer, Tennessee did not issue a “stop work order” to Dyer Grain Company late Tuesday afternoon as had been expected. The order would have temporarily halted construction of new grain storage tanks. Dyer Grain’s efforts at expansion have been blocked several times over the […]

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Oldest user of Twitter, Ivy Bean, dies at 104

Thursday, July 29, 2010 Ivy Bean, thought to have been the oldest person using the popular social networking site Twitter, has died at age 104. By the end of her life, Bean had 53,535 followers (a term used on Twitter to indicate you are watching a person’s posts) on the site and was something of […]

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Facial Exercise Techniques: The 2 Main Facelift Without Surgery Facial Exercise Program Categories}

Read More About: Facelift Beverly Hills Best Beverly Hills Facelift Surgery Facial Exercise Techniques: The 2 Main Facelift Without Surgery Facial Exercise Program Categories by Wendy Wilken A facelift without surgery can be performed by means of two classes of facial exercise techniques. To choose which facial exercise program best suits your facelift without surgery […]

Swiss cement company Holcim Ltd sees net profits jump 67%

Monday, May 2, 2005 Swiss cement firm Holcim Ltd. today reported that net profits jumped by 67% in the first quarter. The company which has operations in over 70 countries revealed that first quarter profits were 169m Swiss francs (€110m; US$141m) up from 101m Swiss Francs last year. Despite what appears to be a large […]

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