Sunday, February 21, 2010 Three teenage girls were killed in Florida after they were hit by a train while crossing a narrow bridge. The accident occurred Saturday night at around 1830 local time (2330 UTC) in Melbourne, Brevard County. The names of the girls have not been released, as the next of kin are still […]
Man commits suicide by jumping from Burj Khalifa
Thursday, May 12, 2011 A man committed suicide on Tuesday by jumping from the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The unnamed man, believed to be in his twenties and of a South Asian ethnicity, jumped from the 147th floor and landed on a decking area of the 108th floor. His death would be […]
US Congress passes $787 billion stimulus package
Monday, February 16, 2009 The United States Congress passed a US$787 billion stimulus package late Friday night, in an effort to curb the recession and boost the faltering US economy. The bill was passed by a vote of 60&ndashp;38, barely reaching the minimum number of 60 votes needed to make the bill a law. Only […]
Aadhar Card A Game Changer For Indian Economy}
Read More About: Hardware Store Ipswich Air And Power Tools Toowoomba Aadhar Card a Game Changer for Indian Economy by anajni Even you wished to purchase a mobile SIM card, you need to show your Aadhar card. This police is introduced to prevent the SIM forgery on the market. Aadhar card is vital and compulsory […]
Centennial of ‘father of contemporary Thai cinema’ celebrated
Saturday, May 24, 2008 Thailand’s National Film Archive in Salaya, Nakhon Pathom unveiled a new museum and cinema on Thursday night for the 100th anniversary celebration of the birth of Rattana Pestjoni, a filmmaker who is considered the “father of contemporary Thai cinema”. With Pestonji’s family, movie stars, filmmakers, government officials and fans on hand, […]
Wikinews interviews Brian Moore, Socialist Party USA presidential candidate
Sunday, March 30, 2008 While nearly all cover of the 2008 Presidential election has focused on the Democratic and Republican candidates, the race for the White House also includes independents and third party candidates. These parties represent a variety of views that may not be acknowledged by the major party platforms. As a non-partisan news […]
At least 107 killed in Mecca crane collapse
Saturday, September 12, 2015 A storm yesterday caused a crane to fall into Mecca’s Grand Mosque, killing 107 or more and wounding 238, according to Saudi Arabia’s Civil Defense Authority. Civil Defense Authority director General Suleiman al-Amr, in remarks to al-Ikhbariya television, said “All those who were wounded and the dead have been taken to […]
How To Find Advance Auto Parts Coupons
Read More About: Afsl Authorised Representative Afsl Authorised Representative Online By Mindy Claribel Do you need to purchase auto parts? Advance Auto Parts is the answer to your need. Advance Auto Parts is one of the largest stores that sell replacement and other spare parts and vehicular accessories for your automobile. Of course, with high-quality […]
St. Anthony Foundation provides hope
Friday, September 23, 2005 On the corner of Golden Gate Ave. and Jones St. in the Tenderloin, San Francisco, right next to the Civic Center you can see a throng of low-income and homeless people lining up outside of St. Anthony’s Dining Room hall which opens up it’s doors everyday at 11:30 a.m. Volunteers dressed […]
Volkswagen emissions scandal may affect thousands more cars
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 The Volkswagen emissions scandal continued yesterday with the company announcing 800,000 mainly diesel vehicles may also be affected by carbon dioxide emissions problems. The company stated “the safety of the vehicles is in no way compromised”. They estimated potentially this could cost them €2bn on top of the €6.7bn set aside […]