Mothers, teachers concerned about leukemia deaths at California elementary school

Saturday, May 28, 2005 California State Senator Joseph Dunn, school officials, and environmental professionals met with Kennedy Elementary School parents in a town-hall style meeting in Santa Ana Thursday evening. The parents aired their concerns over health issues at schools and workplaces, including a rash of leukemia cases in the student population, and began a […]

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Home of Stonehenge builders found

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 Scientists have uncovered the largest Neolithic settlement in the United Kingdom at the Durrington Walls and believe that the village was inhabited by the people who built the Stonehenge monument. Scientists say that the village was built around 2,600 B.C., roughly when Stonehenge was believed to have been constructed, and housed […]

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News briefs:March 04, 2008

This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable. Articles presented on Wikinews reflect the specific time at which they were written and published, and do not attempt to encompass events or knowledge which occur or become known after their publication. Got a correction? Add the template {{editprotected}} to the talk page along with […]

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Searching for asteroids, extraterrestrial life a little more rocky: Budget cuts threaten to close Arecibo, world’s largest radio telescope

Friday, July 18, 2008 For nearly half a century the world’s largest telescope, the Arecibo Observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, has been observing our solar system and the universe around it. Completed by Cornell University along with the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 1963, Arecibo’s enormous size gives it the ability to collect more light […]

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Wikinews interviews former Salt Lake City mayor and 2012 presidential candidate Rocky Anderson

Wednesday, December 21, 2011 Former Salt Lake City mayor and human rights activist Rocky Anderson took some time to discuss his 2012 U.S. presidential campaign and the newly-created Justice Party with Wikinews reporter William S. Saturn. Anderson served as mayor of Salt Lake City for eight years (2000–2008) as a member of the Democratic Party. […]

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Helix Germans Top Car Audio Brand

Read More About: Visit Website Goulburn Off Road Carts & Generators Submitted by: Jack Wylde Audio tech Fischer is a German based car audio manufacturing system who has a vast series of products. Audio tech Fischer is among the world s best producers of audio systems. Speakers, sub woofers, amplifiers and accessories are open to […]