Green Party refines ‘Buy Kiwi Made’ scheme

Friday, August 11, 2006 The New Zealand Government has asked the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand to start refining its taxpayer funded ‘Buy Kiwi Made‘ scheme to also include products designed in New Zealand but manufactured elsewhere. The Buy Kiwi Made scheme was a NZ$11 million post-election deal between the Labour Party and the […]

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British haulage managing director Edward Stobart dies at age 56

Thursday, March 31, 2011 Edward Stobart, famed for his construction of the Eddie Stobart truck empire and being its chief executive officer for over thirty years, has died at the age of 56. In a statement, the Stobart Group commented: “It is with great sadness and regret that Stobart Group shares the news that Edward […]

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Building Opt In List Why You Should (Not) Buy Leads?

Read More About: Shirts For Sale Online Buy Shirts Online By Jaksa Dubljanin Building Opt-In List is an essential part of Internet Marketing. Every successful marketer online has a personal list of subscribers and is using it to profit online. Building personal list may sound easy you just purchase an autoresponder service, create a few […]

Polish mine explosion kills 8

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 Methane gas was blamed for the explosion deaths of 8 miners in southern Polish‘s Halemba coal mine Tuesday, November 21. Officials say at least 15 are missing. Rescue efforts were halted because dangerously high levels of methane gas returned, according to Zbigniew Madej, spokesman for state-owned Coal Co., which operates the […]

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Che Guevara’s ”Motorcycle Diaries” companion dies

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Alberto Granado Jiménez, the Argentinian biochemist who was Che Guevara’s companion on his transformative motorcycle trip through South America, died in Havana on Saturday, reported Cuban state television. He was 88 and died of natural causes. The politically active Jiménez met Ernesto “Che” Guevara, then a medical student, in Hernando, Argentina […]

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Overclocking experts gather in the Intel Overclocking Live Test in Taiwan

Monday, December 10, 2007 This past Saturday at 2007 Taipei IT Month, Intel of Taiwan invited hardware engineers, overclocking experts, and gamers to participate in the “Intel Taiwan Overclocking Live Test” at the Taipei World Trade Center to share techniques and technology for overclocking and other hardware tweaking. According to Intel Taiwan, this “Live Test” […]

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