Australian nuclear power plants rejected by states

Monday, June 5, 2006 Wikinews Australia has in-depth coverage of this issue: Australian nuclear debate Australian media reports that Prime Minister John Howard is expected to push a nuclear energy inquiry through federal cabinet this week. Meanwhile, a list of possible sites for nuclear reactors has been leaked by the Opposition to media. The locations, […]

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Small aircraft crashes into building in New York City

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 A small aircraft struck an apartment building in New York this afternoon, killing the pilot and a flight instructor. Cory Lidle, a pitcher for the New York Yankees baseball team, was the registered owner of the aircraft and is believed to have been piloting it; his passport was found on the […]

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Principal, teacher arrested for allegedly whipping two students late for school in Ayetoro, Nigeria

Saturday, May 19, 2018 Ogun state police said the proprietor, the principal, and a teacher at Meteorite Standard School in Ayetoro, Nigeria were arrested on Wednesday for allegedly tying two students — one male and one female — to crosses and lashing them with a horsewhip for being late to school. They are being charged […]

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Dairy cattle with names produce more milk, according to new study

Thursday, January 29, 2009 Giving a cow a name and treating her as an individual with “more personal touch” can increase milk production, so says a scientific research published in the online “Anthrozoos,” which is described as a “multidisciplinary journal of the interactions of people and animals”. The Newcastle University‘s School of Agriculture, Food and […]

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Microsoft announces new security software, new version of Internet Explorer

Wednesday, February 16, 2005Bill Gates announced in a RSA security conference that Microsoft will release major security changes to Internet Explorer and will release a new version prior to the release of Longhorn, the replacement for Windows XP expected any time after 2005. Microsoft plans to include many features to increase security. These features are […]

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Career In Hotel Management}

Read More About: Hotels In Sydney Cbd Accomodation In Sydney Career in Hotel Management by gyantest The hospitality industry is indistinguishably linked with its overall economic prosperity and resourcefulness. Today hospitality industry is contributing a lot in overall growth of the economy. Hospitality industry is also directly proportionate to the inbound tourism to any particular […]

Western Sydney rallies against government’s workplace reforms

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 Wikinews Australia has in-depth coverage of this issue: Australian industrial relations legislation, 2005 According to initial estimates by New South Wales police and unions, 30,000 people have rallied at Blacktown Showground in Western Sydney to protest the federal government’s Workchoices workplace reforms. Organisers had expected around 15,000 protesters to attend. The […]

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