Saturday, June 4, 2005 On Friday, the U.S. military released the results of their investigation and confirmed that in 5 separate incidents, American guards at the Guantánamo Bay prison “mishandled” the Islamic holy book. However, they stress that guards were usually “respectful” of the Qur’an. One incident involved splashing a Qur’an with urine by urinating […]
Wikinews interviews Tatsuhisa Yabushita of NBGI
Saturday, February 2, 2008 Many rhythm gamers are anticipating the release of “Taiko no Tatsujin 11: Asian Version”, the Namco Bandai Games Inc. (NBGI) beta version of which was recently showcased at the 2008 Taipei Game Show. In fact, several managers from amusement stores in Taiwan frequently imported large quantities of arcade games, including rhythm […]
Gay Talese on the state of journalism, Iraq and his life
Saturday, October 27, 2007 Gay Talese wants to go to Iraq. “It so happens there is someone that’s working on such a thing right now for me,” the 75-year-old legendary journalist and author told David Shankbone. “Even if I was on Al-Jazeera with a gun to my head, I wouldn’t be pleading with those bastards! […]
Wikinews interviews Christopher Hill, U.S. Republican Party presidential candidate
Tuesday, January 6, 2015 U.S. Air Force veteran and airline pilot Christopher V. Hill of New Hampshire took some time to talk with Wikinews about his campaign for the U.S. Republican Party’s 2016 presidential nomination. Hill served in Operation Desert Storm, flying about fifty combat missions. Shortly after the war, he returned to civilian life, […]
Iran: Wreckage found of plane crashed in mountains; all believed dead
Wednesday, February 21, 2018 Yesterday, the Iranian military announced the wreckage of an Aseman Airlines airplane, which went missing on Sunday morning shortly before it was due to land in Yasuj, had been located at an elevation of about 13,000 feet (4,000 m) in the Zagros Mountains. All 65 people on board were presumed dead. Crews were […]
New edition of Canada’s Food Guide released
Thursday, February 8, 2007 A new version of Canada’s Food Guide was announced by Canadian Health Minister Tony Clement on Feb. 5, 2007. The guide has helped Canadians with healthy eating habits since 1942 but was last updated in 1992. It is the Canadian government’s most-requested publication after income tax forms. Changes to the Food […]
Bush Administration changes official position on legitimacy of Qur’an desecration allegations
Saturday, June 4, 2005 After an investigation of allegations that Islam’s holy book the Qu’ran was mishandled in front of inmates at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the Bush administration has acknowledged the credibility of some of these reports. According to Robert Burns of the Associated Press, U.S. military officials acknowledged that, “a Muslim holy book was […]
The Onion: An interview with ‘America’s Finest News Source’
Sunday, November 25, 2007 Despite the hopes of many University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) students, The Onion was not named after their student center. “People always ask questions about where the name The Onion came from,” said President Sean Mills in an interview with David Shankbone, “and when I recently asked Tim Keck, who was one […]
Wikinews interviews DuckDuckGo, Opera, Mozilla, Wikimedia about DoNotTrack feature
This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Tuesday, February 5, 2013 Following the introduction of a “Do Not Track” feature in modern browsers at the end of last year, Wikinews interviewed several companies and groups about the feature. Contents […]
The Most Popular Types Of Coffee
Read More About: Kitchen Designer A Plan By CS Stephanie Larkin- For many years in the United States, coffee was coffee. It was perked or dripped and occasionally stirred into hot water, and was enjoyed by many. Over the past couple of decades, however, Americans have refined their taste buds. Coffee drinkers have reached a […]