Eurovision ’04 winner Ruslana discusses her paths as singer, spokesmodel, stateswoman and source of inspiration

Monday, March 30, 2009 First becoming famous in her native Ukraine in the 1990s, long-haired self-described “Amazon” Ruslana gained international recognition for winning the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest with her song “Wild Dances,” inspired by the musical traditions of the Hutsul people of the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains. In the five years since, Ruslana has decided […]

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Interview: PRS, the UK’s music royalty collection society

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 PRS for Music is the UK’s music royalty collection society tasked with working on behalf of copyright holders, specifically authors and music publishers. Founded in 1914, the PRS is a non-profit organisation with 350,000 UK businesses holding PRS licenses. The society works in conjunction with PPL which collects fees on behalf […]

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U.S. House rejects Senate version of payroll tax cut

Wednesday, December 21, 2011 Yesterday, the United States House of Representatives voted to effectively reject the Senate version of a bill, passed with bipartisan support, to extend a payroll tax cut two months past its year-end expiration date. The House voted instead to create a conference committee to settle differences between members of both bodies. […]

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Eurozone now officially in recession

Friday, November 14, 2008 The Eurozone is now officially in a recession, due to the recently released figures showing that, in the third quarter of 2008, the economy shrunk by 0.2%. For a recession to be official, the economy must have shrunk for at least two consecutive quarters. This is the case as the Eurozone’s […]

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Australian carbon tax plans hit road block

Sunday, April 17, 2011 Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s plans to implement a carbon tax in Australia have hit a roadblock today with the national secretary of the Australian Workers Union Paul Howes demanding that exemptions be made to certain heavy polluting industries including steel production as well as concerns about whether jobs will be […]

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On the campaign trail, March 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 The following is the fifth in a monthly series chronicling the U.S. 2012 presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after a brief mention of some of the month’s biggest stories. In this month’s edition on the campaign trail, a politician from outside the fifty states receives […]

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Former South Korean president Choi Kyu-hah dies

Thursday, October 26, 2006 Former South Korean President Choi Kyu-hah died in Seoul on October 22, 2006. He was 87 years old. Choi was found unconscious in his home by a nurse at 6 a.m. local time (UTC+9) on Sunday morning and was rushed to Seoul National University Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead […]

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United Future announces tax cuts in 2008 for New Zealand

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 The leader of the government’s political partner, United Future and Revenue minister, Peter Dunne has announced that there will be personal tax cuts to go along with the confirmed business tax cuts in 2008. Peter Dunne’s newsletter, sent yesterday, said: “The business tax reduction proposals I announced with Michael Cullen in […]

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Venezuela opens granite processing facility in Bolívar

Monday, February 18, 2013 Venezuela’s government has opened a granite processing plant in the state of Bolívar, with the intention of providing about 25% of the granite required nationwide. Ricardo Menéndez, vice president of the Productive Economic Area, said Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has yearned for the creation of this project to empower Venezuelan construction. […]

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