Don’t Bite Off Your Tongue To Spite Your Face.

A while back I posted an introduction of myself to a forum. To my surprise I was hitfrom every direction with a lot of feedback that left a bad taste in my mouth. Thisleads me to ask for opinions on the subject of people criticizing other MLM’s in orderto advertise your own.In my opinion, it would be in the best interest for all network marketers to notridicule another company. Offering them the opportunity to explore the opportunityof company is one thing; RIDICULE and CRITICIZE is another. You just might bethrowing a good prospect away. Also, in my opinion, a true business person willalways have an eye open for new promising ventures.I’m sure everyone would agree that MOST, not all, companies offer every individual thesame thing – AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUILD WEALTH. A few Statistics to prove that this industry is big enough for us all:According to statistics produced by the U.S. Census Bureau for 1997 (the most recent year in which the data is available):- Direct sales is the second largest “one-person business” industry in the nation- Among all one-person business types, Direct Sales ranks higher in total sales than selling used-cars or insurance, or practicing law and even medicine! – There are 15.4 MILLION one-person businesses in the U.S.- These businesses generated almost $600 BILLION a year- This is 3.3% of ALL U.S. business salesI did a lot of research before choosing the type of company I would affiliate with. It isworking for me. You chose your company, I hope it is working for you. We mustremember that each person’s level of success is factored in when they look atNetwork Marketing as a whole. So when thousands of people fail to succeed, thatmakes the entire industry seem distorted.Of course, people have had bad experiences with different companies. My advice is ifyou have had a bad experience where the company is at fault, take the properprocedures. Notify the Better Business Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce and yourfriends and family. (Word of mouth is a powerful tool) Remember, however, that it mustbe the company’s fault. Don’t spread bad publicity about a company because you didnot advertise your business and nobody registered. Or don’t call anyone complainingthat you didn’t get a check if you didn’t do any work. What you might not want to know is that that same company probably has quite a fewpeople who are getting rich from the same opportunity that was presented to you. Ifyou feel that you were definitely wronged, then follow the above steps. It is not ourbest interest to criticize in order to advertise. If you are with a company that you feel is the “best” in the industry…..GO FOR YOU.GO FOR IT. Offer people the opportunity to explore what you and your company haveto offer in a positive way. For example, compare and contrast. Don’t knock down otherpeople’s dreams. They might not choose your company; they might choose acompetitors. Who cares. There are thousands of companies to choose from. BUT,there are MILLIONS of people.