Different Avenues Of Advertising}

Different Avenues of Advertising



Advertising is a means not an end. Advertising offers more than brand promotion. Through proper


you can build up a bond between customers and products. There are a variety of strategies and media involved in the process of advertising. Advertisements may come out in various forms including radio, television, newspaper, magazine, direct mails, billboards etc.

Knowledge of advertising culture is important for any brand to get its rightful place in the market. There are various avenues of advertising. Let us discuss them in detail.

Television Advertising

Ever since television became a part of our daily lives, TV commercials have been a favourite for everyone.

Television Advertising

is still one of the most popular means of brand promotion. Television ads come in between various TV serials and shows. Audiences are fond of these ads as they provide recreation in an interactive manner. Some TV commercials provide call for action options in which they provide a particular telephone number or email ID to reach them. Technology has immeasurably advanced today and television



has been revamped from the traditional techniques and tools.

Radio Advertising

Radio Advertising is cheap and affordable for any advertiser or media owner. Radio ads generally last between 40 and 60 seconds.

Radio advertising

is not only budget-friendly but also reaches the target group in an effective manner. Comparing to other tools of advertising, radio ads effectively reach out to the target group.

Print Advertising

Print Advertising is the oldest tool of advertising and it still works as an effective promotional tool for an advertiser to reach the target group.

Print advertising

tools include newspaper ads, classifieds, magazine ads, brochures, pamphlets, leaflets etc. Written in nature, these ads provide reliability to the customers.

Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor Advertising means any type of promotional activity which is carried out of home and which target out of home audiences.

Airport Advertising

, Metro Advertising, Mall Advertising etc come under outdoor advertising. Among all these, Airport Advertising is the most popular tool of OOH advertising. Providing a larger than life impact to target groups, airport ads are currently in vogue in the advertising market.

Internet Advertising

E-learning and E-earning both are in trend so

Internet Advertising

has gained much popularity as one of the most effective tools of brand promotion. Internet advertising options include banner advertising, PPC, pop-ups, e-mail marketing, EDMS etc. Banner Advertising is a major component of web-business creation or maintenance. Banner ads are a good method for creating good revenue through your website. During the increasing popularity of internet banner ads have gained much popularity at an increasing rate over the years. This type of internet advertising provides more audience and ability to direct the potential customers to the website with just a single click. For small advertisers or brand owners internet advertising is a boon since it is budget-friendly. Indulging in an internet advertising campaign is more affordable than any other tool of advertising. And the most striking significance for this type of


is that you can carry out your business from any corner of the world.

Reference Website: –


Here you can find extensive resources on Worldwide


in the form of Advertising, Airport Advertising, Advertising Network, Outdoor Advertising, Television Advertising, Print Advertising, Radio Advertising, Internet Advertising, Mobile Advertising,


Agency & Media.

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