
This is the category for Health. Refresh this list to see the latest articles. 1 August 2021: Australia: Victorian lockdown lifted 25 July 2021: Australia: Wikinews interviews Reg Kidd, mayor of the City of Orange, about COVID-19 lockdown and local government 24 July 2021: According to recent study, deaths in India number roughly 4 million […]

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Anti-whaling Sea Shepherd crew detained in South Africa

Saturday, January 28, 2006 After seven weeks in the Southern Ocean disrupting the Japanese whaling fleet, a Canadian registered anti-whaling ship, the Farley Mowat, has been detained by South African authorities. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society vessel, its captain Paul Watson, and his crew, have been detained indefinitely. The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) […]

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Home of Stonehenge builders found

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 Scientists have uncovered the largest Neolithic settlement in the United Kingdom at the Durrington Walls and believe that the village was inhabited by the people who built the Stonehenge monument. Scientists say that the village was built around 2,600 B.C., roughly when Stonehenge was believed to have been constructed, and housed […]

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Cosmetic Surgery :Look Better, Feel Better Dr. Jennifer, A Renowned Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon}

Read More About: Natural Facelift Boston Cosmetic Surgery :Look Better, Feel Better – Dr. Jennifer, a renowned cosmetic plastic surgeon by jenniferlevine A natural change could endorse Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in your relationship with yourself. Numerous people seem frustrated with some physical trait or body feature and find this as a solution. Dr. Jennifer Levine […]

Scientists say excess cerebrospinal fluid may serve as early sign of autism

Thursday, March 9, 2017 In a study that appeared on Monday in Biological Psychiatry, scientists from the Universities of California and North Carolina, with several other universities in the United States and Canada, report a strong correlation between abnormal distribution of cerebrospinal fluid in infants and later development of autistic symptoms. “The more extra-axial CSF […]

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Obie Gets A Tummy Tuck

Read More About: Penis Enlargement Clinic Best Cosmetic Penis Enlargement Surgery Obie Gets a Tummy Tuck by Aaron Rollison Obie, a charming but immensely obese dachshund made headlines last year when his new owner Nora Vanetta, a certified veterinary technician decided to put him on a diet and get him back to being a happy […]

Cargo ship Arctic Sea may be found

Saturday, August 15, 2009 A cargo ship spotted off the African island nation of Cape Verde could be the missing MV Arctic Sea. The Maltese flagged MV Arctic Sea disappeared off the French coast sometime after July 29. Owned by the Russian Arctic Sea company she was operated by the Finnish Solchart Management company and […]

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